2021 #30: Ondine de Kroon

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #30: Ondine de Kroon

Meet Ondine in her studio and support local artists through:

1 Dimitri Shostakovich – Violin Sonata G Major – Duo TschoppBovina
2 Bartók – Complete works for piano volume 3: Bartók and the folk music – Andreas Bach
3 Bartók – Contrasts for Clarinet, Violin and Piano – Ludmilla Peterková
4 Amy Whinehouse – Back to Black
5 Madou  – Ronquière
6 Stromae  – Multitude
7 Concert Arban  – The Harlem Rag
8 Akira Ifukube – Three Lullabies Among the Native Tribes of the Island of Sakhalin

Dimitri Shostakovich – Violin Sonata G Major – Duo TschoppBovina

Bartók – Complete works for piano volume 3: Bartók and the folk music – Andreas Bach

Bartók – Contrasts for Clarinet, Violin and Piano – Ludmilla Peterková

Amy Whinehouse – Back to Black

Madou – Ronquière

Stromae – Multitude – Santé

Concert Arban – The Harlem Rag

Akira Ifukube – Three Lullabies Among the Native Tribes of the Island of Sakhalin

> what tools and materials changed your life?

How linoleum changed my artistic life.
For my graduation at Art school in 1989 I was working with found objects. While roaming around on building sites I found a roll of lino. So, I started to cut and print. At first in black and white. Using a wooden spoon to press and print. My husband, at the time, bought me a Picasso book about his linocuts. We were very poor those times, so I was curious how he could give me such an expensive book. He explained: he priced the book off himself with an offer sticker he took from another book. After studying the pictures of the Picasso prints, nearly all in reduction technic, I started to print in multiple colours. I was successful with my first series of colour prints, sold them to the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Still I could barely keep my head above water financially and could not buy a press. Years after a boyfriend built me a wooden spoon machine. He came from the ex Sovjet Republic of Georgia, so he knew how to deal with a lack of machinery.  He improvised my Oubedouri machine (Oubedouri means poor). The machine consisted of an electronic drill with woodblocks circling, and mechanical arm. In 1995 I had to move and I got a relocation fee, which I totally spent on a press which is specially built for me. It is a Rocco etching press with two roles of 80 cm wide moving separately. This helped me to make large editions. I had multiple commissions and I could afford me a drying rack. Politics changed and large companies as well as Art Lending Libraries sold there overload of collection. The market for prints in edition was crashing. Because of this lack of market I choose to don’t let go of my favourite material but experimented to use it in a different way. In 2005 I started to print on wood. That is why I bought an electric jigsaw. Initially I used the structure of the wood as a canvas. Soon I started to use the fact that you can multiply by printing and I used the layers glued together. I did started to teach in primary schools and I was looking for more interaction. In 2019 I moved my studio and press to a collective building in an old school building called Wijkpaleis (Neighbourhood Palace). In this building I found both the school which is still on the top floor as the neighbours to work with me.  Other creative entrepreneurs inspired me to use an other machine which is available to use in the public space: the sewing machine. Together with the neighbours I made a gigantic book about the neighbourhood park. Printing in lino, in etching, in stamps and added machinal broderies to it.  Last year I casted with another entrepreneur of the Wijkpaleis, Hanna Kerkhof, concrete tiles of a lino mould. I miss sometimes the printing on paper, the sensitivity and fragility of it. So, on top of all those experiments, I never stopped to print on paper.

I listen Spotify on my mobile phone, I don’t have a Hifi corner.

Ondine de Kroon 30-12-21 – posted by Ron 31-12-21

Studio Playlists in 2021:

All contributions by this author:

2021 #29: Hils Robbé

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #29: Hils Robbé


Bryan Ferry  –  The Ultimate Collection   1988
T.REX  –  The Singles As & Bs   2002
Butthole Surfers  –  Electriclarryland   1994
Grass Widow –  Grass Widow   2009
Yo La Tengo  –   I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One   1997
Grooving At The Go Go 20 Classic Northern Soul Stompers   2000
The Amps  –  Pacer   1995
Lemonheads  –  Lick   1986
Girls don’t Come , Here Come The Girls Volume 10   1999
Lee Hazlewood  –  13   1999
Remembering Roots of Soul, Birth Of Detroit Motortown   2002
Alles van Beck

Bryan Ferry – The Ultimate Collection  – 1988


T.REX – The Singles As & Bs – 2002

Butthole Surfers – Electriclarryland – 1994


Grass Widow – Grass Widow – 2009

Yo La Tengo – I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One – 1997

Grooving At The Go Go 20 Classic Northern Soul Stompers – 2000

The Amps – Pacer – 1995


Lemonheads – Lick – 1986

Girls don’t Come , Here Come The Girls Volume 10 – 1999

Lee Hazlewood – 13 – 1999

en nog een stokouwe tape waar ik ooit van alles van Beck op heb gezet.
Lekker confronterend, kennelijk koop ik niets nieuws op cd!!

> what tools and materials changed your life? <

De gum, die is belangrijk voor mij. En dan vooral de kneedgum. Ik weet niet of ik snel ontevreden ben, of gewoon bang ben dat het niet goed genoeg is. Met die gum kan ik altijd opnieuw beginnen. Ik zou ‘m eigenlijk links moeten laten liggen en mezelf wat meer moeten vertrouwen wanneer ik teken. Maar die gum zorgt ook voor toeval. Dan begin ik niet opnieuw, maar ga ik met (door die gum veroorzaakte) nieuwe mooie stukjes door. Ik gum er mee, ik teken er ook mee.  Eigenlijk altijd! Belangrijk ding dus. Die gum.
Overigens, die kneedgum is ook nog eens een hele fijne fidged toy ;)

In my new petit ‘studio’ there is no more room for an installation. I had to say bye to the HiFi corner. But that’s how it works!

Hils Robbé 30-12-21 – posted by Ron 31-12-21

Studio Playlists in 2021:

All contributions by this author:

2021 #28: Marijn de Jong

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #28: Marijn de Jong

Meet Marijn in his studio and support local artists through:

Ursam Sisask – Starry Sky Cycle
Johann Sebastian Bach – Contemplation – Anne Queffélec
Jürg Frey, Chamber Music – Konus Quarett – Mondrian Ensemble
Philip Glass – Koyaanisqatsi
Les Voix Humaines – Jordi Savall – 1998
Steve Reich – The ECM recordings – 2016
Etiopiques vol.21 –  Emahoy Tsegue – Maryam Guebrou
Benjamin Britten – Cello suites – Olivier Marron
Eric Koevoets  – Voix Géleste
Valentin Silvestrov – Hieroglyphen der Nacht – Lechner /Vesterman

Ursam Sisask – Starry Sky Cycle

Johann Sebastian Bach – Contemplation – Anne Queffélec

Jürg Frey, Chamber Music – Konus Quarett – Mondrian Ensemble

Philip Glass – Koyaanisqatsi

Les Voix Humaines – Jordi Savall – 1998

Steve Reich – The ECM recordings – 2016

Etiopiques vol.21 –  Emahoy Tsegue – Maryam Guebrou


Benjamin Britten – Cello suites – Olivier Marron

Eric Koevoets  – Voix Géleste
Eric Koevoets op het Maarschalkerweerd-orgel van de Sint Lambertuskerk, Rotterdam

Valentin Silvestrov – Hieroglyphen der Nacht – Anja Lechner – Agnès Vesterman

> what tools and materials changed your life? <

When I was 15 years old I didn’t understand how taking pictures with an analog camera and printing in the darkroom worked. Photography was total magic to me. Now I know how it works, photography is still magic and I still prefer to work with the analog camera and the darkroom. In addition to my photography, I started looking for other possibilities and techniques to visualize the world around me. That’s how I discovered that painting with oil paints allowed me to look at things in a new way. Now in addition to my photography, there is always the possibility to paint my subjects.

I like tools that are well made and can therefore last forever. My Rolleiflex camera, for example, was made in 1970 and still works perfectly. It has a superb lens and I can measure light and take pictures without the use of a battery. I also like the innocent classic appearance of the camera.

Marijn de Jong 29-12-21 – posted by Ron 30-12-21

Studio Playlists in 2021:

All contributions by this author:

2021 #27: Aalt van de Glind

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #27: Aalt van de Glind


Sqürl  – Some Music for Robby Müller 2020
Irreversible Entanglements  – Open the Gates 2021
Floating Points  – Promises 2021
Chris Abrahams  – Appearance 2020
Machinefabriek  – With Drums 2021
Ben Bertrand – Manes 2021 (Rewire)
Alan Vega, Ben Vaughn, Barb Dwyer & Palmyra Delran  – After Dark 2021
Emptiness  – Vide 2021
Skee Mask  – Compro 2018
Loren Connors & Oren Ambarchi  – Leone 2021

Sqürl  – Some Music for Robby Müller 2020

Irreversible Entanglements  – Open the Gates 2021

Floating Points  – Promises 2021

Chris Abrahams  – Appearance 2020

Machinefabriek  – With Drums 2021

Ben Bertrand – Manes 2021 (Rewire)

Alan Vega, Ben Vaughn, Barb Dwyer & Palmyra Delran  – After Dark 2021

Emptiness  – Vide 2021

Skee Mask  – Compro 2018

Loren Connors & Oren Ambarchi  – Leone 2021

> what tools and materials changed your life? <

A tool for ‘’burning and dodging’’.
It can either be a piece of paper with a hole poked through or some iron wire with a little bit duct tape at the end. I often find these tools very imaginative, joyous, DIY and an inherent part of darkroom work.

Aalt van de Glind 28-12-21 – posted by Ron 29-12-21

Studio Playlists in 2021:

All contributions by this author:

2021 #26: Branislav Nikolić

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #26: Branislav Nikolić


Marianne Faithfull – Broken English
Johnny Dowd – Pictures from life’s other side
Frédéric Chopin – Ballades Scherzos – Arthur Rubinstein
Kosta Jevtić – Reflections on a Journey
VA – London Is The Place For Me : Trinidadian Calypso In London, 1950 – 1956
Junior Kimbrough – Sad Days, Lonely Nights
Philip Glass –Metamorphosis – Branka Parlić
Bella Boo – Once Upon A Passion
Bob Dylan – Rough and Rowdy Ways
Lorenzo Jovanotti – Oh, Vita!

Marianne Faithfull – Why D’ya Do It?

Johnny Dowd – – God Created Woman

Frédéric Chopin – Ballade No. 4, Op. 52 in F Minor – Arthur Rubinstein

Kosta Jevtić – La Sirena

Lord Beginner – Jamaica Hurricane

Junior Kimbrough – Sad Days, Lonely Nights

Branka Parlić – Glassworks/Opening

Bella Boo – Do The Right Thing Feat. Axel Boman

Bob Dylan – I Contain Multitudes 

Lorenzo Jovanotti – Quello Che Intendevi

> what tools and materials changed your life? <

When I arrived in Holland, I felt free to realize my long-standing desire to paint with hammer and nails, with a saw, screwdriver and chisel. I immediately set to work and to this day I work with discarded wood, a material that has changed my life. I like the fact that the whole picture is not under my control, and that it was actually painted by someone else. That is how the society gets involved in the work, besides me. This gives me the impression (or maybe just a hope) that my work is more objective.

Branislav Nikolic 27-12-21 – posted by Ron 27-12-21

Other Studio Playlists in 2021:

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2021 #25: Simon Schrikker

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #25: Simon Schrikker

Meet Simon in his studio and support local artists through:

James Brown & the JB’s – Gold
The Knife – Deep Cuts
Victor Vaughn – Vaudeville Villain
Czarface – Super What?
Kyuss – Blues for the Red Sun
Sonic Youth – Goo
Amil and the Sniffers – Comfort To Me
The Gun Club – Fire of Love
OC – Word…Life
DoomStarks – Victory Laps

James Brown & the JB’s – Gold – Soul Power

The Knife – Deep Cuts – Heart Beats

Victor Vaughn – Vaudeville Villain – The Drop

Czarface – Super What? – This is Canon Now

Kyuss – Blues for the Red Sun – Thong Song

Sonic Youth – Goo – Dirty Boots

Amil and the Sniffers – Comfort To Me – Snakes

the Gun Club – Fire of Love – Sex Beat

OC – Word…Life – Time’s Up

DoomStarks – Victory Laps – Lively Hood

> what tools and materials changed your life? <

Tools of the Trade:
-Large brush for broad strokes, used for murals and large canvasses
-Steel Master hammer, don’t leave home without it
-Liquitex painters knife, my favorite model for thick oil paint works
-Recently I bought a grinder since I started to work on bronze sculptures
-Marabu spray can. This typical 90’s model brought me closer to other art materials. When I was a teenage graffiti vandal I always checked out artist supply shops for spray paint. In a way you could say it changed my life, making the bridge from spray paint to oil paint and anything that comes with that…

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Simon Schrikker 26-12-21 – posted by Ron 27-12-21

Other Studio Playlists in 2021:

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2021 #24: Wouter Mijland

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #24: Wouter Mijland

Hilsen fra Nepeløkka, Skåtøy!

1. Janko 13 -Peter R. de Vries
2. Rufige kru – Malice In Wonderland
3. Hasil Adkins – Out To Hunch
4. Gangstarr – Above the Clouds
5. Helge Schneider – Es rappelt im Karton
6. Major League – Ndikuze
7. AIR – 10 000 Hz Legend
8.  Ngozi Family – Ngozi Family
9. Jimmy Smith – Root Down (And get it)
10. Lee Perry – Panic in Babylon

1. Janko 13 -Peter R. de Vries 

2. Rufige kru – Vanilla

3. Hasil Adkins – Chicken Walk

4. Gangstarr – Above the Clouds

5. Helge Schneider – Das Raetsel

6. Major League ft. Moonchild Sanelly – Ndikuze

7. AIR – Don’t be Light

8.  Ngozi Family – Hi Babe!

9. Jimmy Smith – Root Down (And get it)

10. Lee Perry – Panic in Babylon


> what tools and materials changed your life? <

My tool of trade is a 1998 Stihl 066 chainsaw. It’s a heavy chainsaw that I used a lot to fell large trees, but also for making sculpture. When I was living in eastern Germany, I painted it in black-white-red, decorated it with nazi symbols, because my neighbors were neonazis and I wanted to diss them. 
One night they were drunk and shouting “Heil Hitler”. So I walked over in my pyama, chainsaw in hand, and told them that the 1000 year Reich only lasted 12 years, so there must have been something wrong with the concept. They did not shout evil things again. 

Other tools are my sharpening stone, special hammer and mini-anvil to hone and sharpen my scythe. I stopped mowing by machine this year and mowed 6 weeks non stop with scythe in two nature areas here on the island. The work took only 2 weeks extra without use of a machine. It was beautiful to work without noise, to see the animals come back. Seen a see eagle floating by pretty close several times while mowing. Next summer we’ll start courses in scythe-mowing for people who want to learn this skill. 

If anybody wants to join next Juli/August: feel free to contact me on: nepa.skatoy@gmail.com
Housing and food can be arranged and it’s always free to put up a tent at my field! 

Wouter Mijland 24-12-21 – posted by Ron 25-12-23

Other Studio Playlists in 2021:

All contributions by this author:

2021 #23: Marco Douma

Find out what artists listen to while they work:

Studio Playlist 2021 #23: Marco Douma


His Name is Alive – A silver thread, home recordings 1979-1990 – 2021
The Selva + Machinefabriek – Barbatrama – 2021
Cabaret Voltaire – 2 x 45 – 1982
Jos Smolders & Jim O’Rourke – Additive Inverse – 2021
Steve Reich – Phases – 2008
Sam Prekop – Spelling – 2021
Machinefabriek – With Drums – 2021
Clarice Jensen – The experience of repetition as death -2020
Olivia Block – Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea – 2021
Yann Novak – Lifeblood of light and rapture – 2021

His Name is Alive – A silver thread, home recordings 1979-1990 (4 cd-set) – 2021
Unconstrainedly enforcing the most beautiful, that is His Name is Alive. Very nice boxset.

The Selva + Machinefabriek – Barbatrama – 2021
Playful, melodious, adventurous record. It doesn’t always have to be so difficult.

Cabaret Voltaire – 2 x 45 – 1982
Richard H Kirk passed away this year, next to his solo work, this one came up again. It has lost none of its eloquence.


Jos Smolders & Jim O’Rourke – Additive Inverse (on Moving Furniture Records) – 2021
Concentrated listening through an extraordinary soundscape when you need a studio break for about 40 minutes.

Steve Reich – Phases (5 cd-set on Nonesuch) – 2008
It was 2021 that Steve Reich really came through for me. Good music while drawing.

Sam Prekop – Spelling – 2021
Most modular stuff passes me by, but I could have this one on for days while I was working.

Machinefabriek – With Drums (on Esc.Rec) – 2021
Intelligent thought-out record, Machinefabriek at his best! An enrichment for your studio activities.

Clarice Jensen – The experience of repetition as death -2020
Another record that can resound through my studio all day without losing any concentration.

Olivia Block – Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea – 2021
Strong combinations of sound from different genres.

Yann Novak – Lifeblood of light and rapture – 2021
Extremely concentrated balancing act, very nice while editing video.

> what tools and materials changed your life?

Zonder goede koffie geen leven

Vorig jaar weer begonnen met tekenen na zo’n 20 jaar. En de EDDING R10 gum is onmisbaar als tekenmateriaal. Maar het drama is dat de R10 niet meer wordt gefabriceerd. Dit is mijn laatste laatste exemplaar. Hierna moet ik het met de kleinere versie doen.

Nieuw in de collectie een motortje voor op statief om met de videocamera perfecte 360 graden opnamen te kunnen maken. Nog niet perfect want ik wil ‘m trager kunnen laten draaien. Dat wordt dus uit elkaar halen…

Altijd zorgen dat als het ertoe doet mijn ZOOM in de buurt is. Je weet maar nooit waar een opname goed voor is.

Siberisch krijt, hoe zachter en vetter des te beter.

De Hifi hoek, de actieve speakers staan elders.

Marco Douma 22-12-21 – posted by Ron 25-12-21

Other Studio Playlists in 2021:

All contributions by this author: