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Studio Playlist 2021 #22: Hans Eijkenboom
01. Gottfried August Homilius – Weihnachtsoratorium
02. Psychic TV – Mr. Alien Brain Vs. The Skinwalkers (2008)
03. Handel, G.F. – Sandrine Piau – Between Heaven and Earth (2013)
04. Canned Heat – Living the Blues (1968)
05. Baroque Masterpieces for bassoon and harp – Roman Reznik, Delphine Constantin-Reznik (2016)
06. Can – Soon Over Babaluma (1973)
07. Bach – Cantatas Christmas – The Monteverdi Choir, John Eliot Gardiner (2000)
08. Jon Hassell – Last Night the Moon Came Dropping Its Clothes in the Street (2009)
09. P.H. Erlebach – ‘Lieder’ le Banquet Celeste – Damien Guillon (2021)
10. Richard Wagner – Götterdämmerung – Wiener Philharmoniker, Georg Solti (1965)
Gottfried August Homilius – Weihnachtsoratorium “Freude der Hirten über die Geburt Jesu” (2008)
Psychic TV / PTV3 – Mr. Alien Brain Vs. The Skinwalkers (2008)
Handel, G.F.: – Sandrine Piau ‘Between Heaven and Earth’ (2013)
Canned Heat – Living the Blues (1968)
Baroque Masterpieces for bassoon and harp – Roman Reznik, bassoon- Delphine Constantin-Reznik, harp (2016)
Can – Soon Over Babaluma (1973)
Bach – Cantatas Christmas BWV63, BWV 64, BWV 121, BWV 133 The Monteverdi Choir, The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner (2000)
Jon Hassell – Last Night the Moon Came Dropping Its Clothes in the Street (2009)
P.H. Erlebach – ‘Lieder’ le Banquet Celeste – Damien Guillon (2021)
Richard Wagner – Götterdämmerung (Wiener Philharmoniker, Georg Solti) (1965)
> what tools and materials changed your life? <

Working with used materials has changed my work a lot the past 10 years or so. It all started with my ‘nature’ artworks for small animals like birds and insects. There i didn’t want to use new wood, plastics, paint and so on. That’s why I started to collect a lot of material from waste containers or was given leftover wood and paint. i went on to use these materials in my other works. It has opened up new possibilities

Hans Eijkenboom 22-12-21 – posted by Ron 24-12-21
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