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Studio Playlist 2021 #20: Luuk Bode
Meet Luuk in his studio and support local artists through:
Emperor – In The Nightside Eclipse
Dissection – Storm Of The Light’s Bane
The Limit – Caveman Logic
Corrosion Of Conformity – America’s Volume Dealer
Fates Warning – Awaken The Guardian
Liege Lord – Burn To My Touch
Nina Hagen – Nunsexmonkrock
Mr Bungle – The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny
Joshua – Surrender
Monster Magnet – A Better Dystopia
Emperor – In The Nightside Eclipse
Dissection – Storm Of The Light’s Bane
The Limit – Caveman Logic
Corrosion Of Conformity – America’s Volume Dealer
Fates Warning – Awaken The Guardian
Liege Lord – Burn To My Touch
Nina Hagen – Nunsexmonkrock
Mr Bungle – The Raging Wrath Of The Easter Bunny
Joshua – Surrender
Monster Magnet – A Better Dystopia
> what tools and materials changed your life? <

It all started with a pencil, and to this day, everything I make still starts with a pencil. It is one of the most pleasurable parts of my process: starting with a sharp, hard (5B or 2B) pencil on a thin piece of bright white A4. The first lines are always very light, then I keep polishing the lines with softer pencils (F or B). The paper starts to wear thin on some parts, softening the surface. For my typography I always start on 1 mm squared paper, and I love bending the lines between the grid.
My dear friend and colleague Peter Pontiac once said that drawing is like ice-skating: ‘On a lousy day everything’s terrible, but when it all goes smoothly… it’s the best feeling in the world’.

Acrylic paint:
Once I learned how to work with acrylic paint during art school, I had a steady base for most of my work. Before that, I used ecoline (coloured ink, not water proof). One mistake could mess up the entire drawing. With acrylics, I could just add another layer, and build my images more systematically.

I worked strictly manually until it was no longer possible to maintain. Drawing by hand was always so much more attractive than looking at a screen and touching buttons. The shape of the mouse was terribly inconvenient, since I had been holding pens, pencils and brushes for twenty-plus years. It was only when the Wacom tablet arrived, I started working digitally. Now I have a hybrid way of working; switching back and forth from digital to analogue during the process.

Luuk Bode 20-12-21 – posted by Ron 21-12-21
Other Studio Playlists in 2021:
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