Studio Playlist 2017 #46: Wouter Nijland
1: Ten East – Extraterrestrial Highway, 2005
2: Blind Dog – The Last Adventures of Captain Dog, 2001
3: Belzebong – Sonic Scapes & Weedy Grooves
4: Karma to Burn – Appalachian Incantion, 2010
5: Elliott Smith – Figure 8, 2000
6: Ortega – Sacred States, 2016
7: Yawning Man – Vista Point
8: Matra Machine – Nitrogen, 2014
9: My Sleeping Karma – Moksha, 2015
10: Colour Haze – In Her Garden, 2017
1: ten east, extraterrestrial highway, 2005
2: blind dog, the last adventures of captain dog, 2001
Olympisk Løft – Tvillingeseglet
4: karma to burn, appalachian incantion, 2010
5: elliott smith, figure 8, 2000
6: ortega, sacred states, 2016
7: yawning man, vista point,2007
8: matra machine, nitrogen, 2014
9: my sleeping karma, moksha, 2015
10: colour haze, in her garden, 2017
2017 photo request:
1) A photo of the stereo you use in your workspace.
2) To turn it into a ‘real’ studio visit I want to ask you for a 360 degrees panorama photo. Preferably one that also has the floor and the ceiling in it.
Wouter Nijland 21-03-18 – posted by RvdE 30-03-18
Other Studio Playlists in 2017: